Are you going to order taxi in Barcelona? Sitaxi do it! 100% free app¡pedir taxi in Barcelona was never so simple thanks to Sitaxi, your favori app
Are you going to order taxi in Barcelona? Sitaxi do it! 100% free app
Asking taxi in Barcelona was never so simple thanks to Sitaxi, your favorite app to request taxi in BCN!
Sitaxi is a 100% free app for Android (2.3.3+) that allows you to request a taxi (CAB) with two simple touches on your smartphone screen. We care about your time!
The taxi taxi taxi drivers are always informed of all the events that are held in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, are alerted to all the streets or access cuts and are always guided, thanks to our technology, by the fastest route. Sitaxi promotes sustainable transport and contributes to the environment.
Characteristics of the best app to call taxis
• Request taxi in BCN with two simple touches. The taxi will wait for you up to 5 minutes in the collection place without a flag drop and no additional charge of any kind in the rate.
• Choose the taxi characteristics: number of passengers, disabled, animals, babies, echo car, etc.
• Activate taxi radar to know the number of taxis that are close to you.
• Add your favorite addresses in Barcelona to save time.
• Pay your credit card, American Express or cash. The app does not include additional costs.
• Have you had a good experience with the taxi driver? Mark it as a favorite for upcoming journeys.
Are you going to travel and have to go to the airport? Download Sitaxi now, your favorite app to ask for taxis in Barcelona!
Do you have questions, problems or comments about the app? Write us to [email protected].
Sitaxi is your new app to request or request taxis (CAB) in Barcelona (BCN)!